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On May 12th and 13th took place LusoTek’ 2018, the 3rd Portuguese Technical Diving Conference, held at the Cultural Center of Carnide, and organized by Casco Antíguo, PhotoGuerra, Aquanautas, XploraSub and the Parish Council of Carnide.

We can define technical diving as a specialization of scuba diving, using techniques, procedures and specialized equipment, to safely surpass the limits of depth and time of recreational diving. Technical diving can be a tool in scientific projects, cultural or environmental, such as archeology, caving, biology or physiology.

The objectives were the communication of initiatives, activities and projects involving technical divers, the exchange of experiences, methodologies, results and lessons learned by the technical diving community and the dissemination among recreational divers and the general public. The entrance was free and 72 participants were present, with a considerable number of recreational divers.

The event were filled by communications and ended with a visit to the Center for Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine, at the Lisbon Military Health Campus. The presentations were appealing and addressed areas as diverse as Safety, Techniques, Expedition, Archeology or Speleology. The speakers had diverse backgrounds, including two Spanish speakers. Two members of XploraSub presented communications. Manuel Leotte gave the lecture "An Epiphany in a Shipwreck", related to the recovery of victims in a shipwreck in Nigeria, off the coast of Escravos, while Armando Ribeiro gave lectures on several expeditions he made and also (with Pedro Lage) on his expedition to the Britannic, the twin ship of the Titanic.

Several companies, centers and diving schools raffled out boat dives, fillings, pool time and equipment among participants.

During the event there was also a photographic exhibition by several underwater photographers (including Armando Ribeiro and Rui Luís, of XploraSub), an exhibition that will circulate for three months on public spaces at the Parish of Carnide.


SÁBADO - 12 Maio 2018

08:45 Receção e registo

09:00 Abertura

09:05 O Big Bang, Grutas e Vida ET – Ricardo Constantino (GUE/SPE)

09:30 Modelos 3D - Ricardo Constantino (GUE/SPE)

10:00 Naufrágios da 1ª Guerra Mundial em Alicante – Terencio Pérez Hortelano (AliSub)

10:55 Coffee Break

11:15 De navio de guerra a recife artificial – Alberto Braz

11:45 Terje Viken - um outro "vapor do trigo" – Paulo Costa

12:15 Uma epifania num naufrágio – Manuel Leotte (XploraSub)

12:45 Almoço

14:30 Segurança no Mar para Mergulhadores - 1o TEN TSN-DESP Michael Santos (ISN)

15:25 O navio gémeo do Titanic - O Britannic – Armando Ribeiro, Pedro Lage

16:20 Coffee Break

16:40 História submersa em Cabo de Palos – Sergi Perez Garcia (SSI Espanha)

17:35 Ansião – Expedição às profundezas - João Neves, Rui Guerra (TDI Portugal/PhotoGuerra)

18:30 Spots e sorteios – Centros de mergulho e patrocinadores

19:00 Encerramento

DOMINGO - 13 Maio 2018

08:45 Receção e registo

09:00 Abertura

09:05 Segurança no Mergulho - Acidentes e Casos Reais – Sub-Chefe Pedro Moita Jardim (DGAM)

10:00 Viagens a destroços da História – Armando Ribeiro

10:55 Coffee Break

11:15 Operação METRO – João Neves (TDI Portugal)

12:30 Almoço

14:00 Mergulho científico - ao serviço da ciência e da sociedade – Pedro Neves, Diogo Paulo (APorMC)

14:55 Arqueólogos mergulhadores técnicos ou mergulhadores técnicos em arqueologia? – Jorge Russo, A. Salgado (CINAV)

15:50 Coffee Break e deslocação para Hospital das Forças Armadas - Pólo de Lisboa (Telheiras)


18:00 Encerramento

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